Ana Sayfa

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Yeah, this is my new Website

Ben Ahmet Ata Fidan 10 yaşındayım. 

"undefined" == typeof jwplayer && (jwplayer = function (f) { if (jwplayer.api) return jwplayer.api.selectPlayer(f) }, jwplayer.version = "6.2.3227", jwplayer.vid = document.createElement("video"), = document.createElement("audio"), jwplayer.source = document.createElement("source"), function (f) { function a(a) { return function () { return b(a) } } var j = document, e = window, c = navigator, d = f.utils = function () {}; d.exists = function (a) { switch (typeof a) { case "string": return 0 < a.length; case "object": return null !== a; case "undefined": return !1 } return !0 }; d.styleDimension = function (a) { return a + (0 < a.toString().indexOf("%") ? "" : "px") }; d.getAbsolutePath = function (a, b) { d.exists(b) || (b = j.location.href); if (d.exists(a)) { var c; if (d.exists(a)) { c = a.indexOf("://"); var l = a.indexOf("?"); c = 0 < c && (0 > l || l > c) } else c = void 0; if (c) return a; c = b.substring(0, b.indexOf("://") + 3); var l = b.substring(c.length, b.indexOf("/", c.length + 1)), e; 0 === a.indexOf("/") ? e = a.split("/") : (e = b.split("?")[0], e = e.substring(c.length + l.length + 1, e.lastIndexOf("/")), e = e.split("/").concat(a.split("/"))); for (var g = [], r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r] && (d.exists(e[r]) && "." != e[r]) && (".." == e[r] ? g.pop() : g.push(e[r])); return c + l + "/" + g.join("/") } }; d.extend = function () { var a = d.extend.arguments; if (1 < a.length) { for (var b = 1; b < a.length; b++) for (var c in a[b]) try { d.exists(a[b][c]) && (a[0][c] = a[b][c]) } catch (e) {} return a[0] } return null }; d.log = function (a, d) { "undefined" != typeof console && "undefined" != typeof console.log && (d ? console.log(a, d) : console.log(a)) }; var b = d.userAgentMatch = function (a) { return null !== c.userAgent.toLowerCase().match(a) }; d.isIE = a(/msie/i); d.isFF = a(/firefox/i); d.isChrome = a(/chrome/i); d.isIOS = a(/iP(hone|ad|od)/i); d.isIPod = a(/iP(hone|od)/i); d.isIPad = a(/iPad/i); d.isSafari602 = a(/Macintosh.*Mac OS X 10_8.*6.0.d* Safari/i); d.isAndroid = function (a) { return a ? b(RegExp("android.*" + a, "i")) : b(/android/i) }; d.isMobile = function () { return d.isIOS() || d.isAndroid() }; d.saveCookie = function (a, d) { j.cookie = "jwplayer." + a + "x3d" + d + "; pathx3d/" }; d.getCookies = function () { for (var a = {}, d = j.cookie.split("; "), b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { var c = d[b].split("x3d"); 0 == c[0].indexOf("jwplayer.") && (a[c[0].substring(9, c[0].length)] = c[1]) } return a }; d.typeOf = function (a) { var d = typeof a; return "object" === d ? !a ? "null" : a instanceof Array ? "array" : d : d }; d.translateEventResponse = function (a, b) { var c = d.extend({}, b); a == && !c.fullscreen ? (c.fullscreen = "true" == c.message ? !0 : !1, delete c.message) : "object" == typeof ? (c = d.extend(c,, delete : "object" == typeof c.metadata && d.deepReplaceKeyName(c.metadata, ["__dot__", "__spc__", "__dsh__"], [".", " ", "-"]); var e = ["position", "duration", "offset"], l; for (l in e) c[e[l]] && (c[e[l]] = Math.round(1E3 * c[e[l]]) / 1E3); return c }; d.flashVersion = function () { if (d.isAndroid()) return 0; var a = c.plugins, b; try { if ("undefined" !== a && (b = a["Shockwave Flash"])) return parseInt(b.description.replace(/D+(d+)..*/, "$1")) } catch (l) {} if ("undefined" != typeof e.ActiveXObject) try { if (b = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")) return parseInt(b.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(",")[0]) } catch (f) {} return 0 }; d.getScriptPath = function (a) { for (var d = j.getElementsByTagName("script"), b = 0; b < d.length; b++) { var c = d[b].src; if (c && 0 <= c.indexOf(a)) return c.substr(0, c.indexOf(a)) } return "" }; d.deepReplaceKeyName = function (a, d, b) { switch (f.utils.typeOf(a)) { case "array": for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) a[c] = f.utils.deepReplaceKeyName(a[c], d, b); break; case "object": for (var e in a) { var g; if (d instanceof Array && b instanceof Array) if (d.length != b.length) continue; else g = d; else g = [d]; for (var r = e, c = 0; c < g.length; c++) r = r.replace(RegExp(d[c], "g"), b[c]); a[r] = f.utils.deepReplaceKeyName(a[e], d, b); e != r && delete a[e] } } return a }; var l = d.pluginPathType = { ABSOLUTE: 0, RELATIVE: 1, CDN: 2 }; d.getPluginPathType = function (a) { if ("string" == typeof a) { a = a.split("?")[0]; var b = a.indexOf("://"); if (0 < b) return l.ABSOLUTE; var c = a.indexOf("/"); a = d.extension(a); return 0 > b && 0 > c && (!a || !isNaN(a)) ? l.CDN : l.RELATIVE } }; d.getPluginName = function (a) { return a.replace(/^(.*/)?([^-]*)-?.*.(swf|js)$/, "$2") }; d.getPluginVersion = function (a) { return a.replace(/[^-]*-?([^.]*).*$/, "$1") }; d.isYouTube = function (a) { return -1 < a.indexOf("") || -1 < a.indexOf("") }; d.isRtmp = function (a, d) { return 0 == a.indexOf("rtmp") || "rtmp" == d }; d.foreach = function (a, d) { for (var b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && d(b) }; d.isHTTPS = function () { return 0 == e.location.href.indexOf("https") }; d.repo = function () { var a = "" + f.version.split(/W/).splice(0, 2).join("/") + "/"; try { d.isHTTPS() && (a = a.replace("http://", "https://ssl.")) } catch (b) {} return a } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = "video/", j = { mp4: a + "mp4", vorbis: "audio/ogg", ogg: a + "ogg", webm: a + "webm", aac: "audio/mp4", mp3: "audio/mpeg", hls: "application/" }, e = { mp4: j.mp4, f4v: j.mp4, m4v: j.mp4, mov: j.mp4, m4a: j.aac, f4a: j.aac, aac: j.aac, mp3: j.mp3, ogv: j.ogg, ogg: j.vorbis, oga: j.vorbis, webm: j.webm, m3u8: j.hls }, a = "video", a = { flv: a, f4v: a, mov: a, m4a: a, m4v: a, mp4: a, aac: a, f4a: a, mp3: "sound", smil: "rtmp", m3u8: "hls" }, c = f.extensionmap = {}, d; for (d in e) c[d] = { html5: e[d] }; for (d in a) c[d] || (c[d] = {}), c[d].flash = a[d]; c.types = j; c.mimeType = function (a) { for (var d in j) if (j[d] == a) return d }; c.extType = function (a) { return c.mimeType(e[a]) } }(jwplayer.utils), function (f) { var a = f.loaderstatus = { NEW: 0, LOADING: 1, ERROR: 2, COMPLETE: 3 }, j = document; f.scriptloader = function (e) { function c() { b = a.ERROR; h.sendEvent(l.ERROR) } function d() { b = a.COMPLETE; h.sendEvent(l.COMPLETE) } var b = a.NEW, l =, h = new l.eventdispatcher; f.extend(this, h); this.load = function () { var h = f.scriptloader.loaders[e]; if (h && (h.getStatus() == a.NEW || h.getStatus() == a.LOADING)) h.addEventListener(l.ERROR, c), h.addEventListener(l.COMPLETE, d); else if (f.scriptloader.loaders[e] = this, b == a.NEW) { b = a.LOADING; var m = j.createElement("script"); m.addEventListener ? (m.onload = d, m.onerror = c) : m.readyState && (m.onreadystatechange = function () { ("loaded" == m.readyState || "complete" == m.readyState) && d() }); j.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(m); m.src = e } }; this.getStatus = function () { return b } }; f.scriptloader.loaders = {} }(jwplayer.utils), function (f) { f.trim = function (a) { return a.replace(/^s*/, "").replace(/s*$/, "") }; f.pad = function (a, f, e) { for (e || (e = "0"); a.length < f;) a = e + a; return a }; f.xmlAttribute = function (a, f) { for (var e = 0; e < a.attributes.length; e++) if (a.attributes[e].name && a.attributes[e].name.toLowerCase() == f.toLowerCase()) return a.attributes[e].value.toString(); return "" }; f.extension = function (a) { if (!a || "rtmp" == a.substr(0, 4)) return ""; a = a.substring(a.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, a.length).split("?")[0].split("#")[0]; if (-1 < a.lastIndexOf(".")) return a.substr(a.lastIndexOf(".") + 1, a.length).toLowerCase() }; f.stringToColor = function (a) { a = a.replace(/(#|0x)?([0-9A-F]{3,6})$/gi, "$2"); 3 == a.length && (a = a.charAt(0) + a.charAt(0) + a.charAt(1) + a.charAt(1) + a.charAt(2) + a.charAt(2)); return parseInt(a, 16) } }(jwplayer.utils), function (f) { f.key = function (a) { var j, e, c; this.edition = function () { return c && c.getTime() < (new Date).getTime() ? "invalid" : j }; this.token = function () { return e }; f.exists(a) || (a = ""); try { a = f.tea.decrypt(a, "36QXq4W@GSBV^teR"); var d = a.split("/"); (j = d[0]) || (j = "free"); e = d[1]; d[2] && 0 < parseInt(d[2]) && (c = new Date, c.setTime(String(d[2]))) } catch (b) { j = "invalid" } } }(jwplayer.utils), function (f) { var a = f.tea = {}; a.encrypt = function (c, d) { if (0 == c.length) return ""; var b = a.strToLongs(e.encode(c)); 1 >= b.length && (b[1] = 0); for (var l = a.strToLongs(e.encode(d).slice(0, 16)), h = b.length, f = b[h - 1], m = b[0], q, k = Math.floor(6 + 52 / h), g = 0; 0 < k--;) { g += 2654435769; q = g >>> 2 & 3; for (var r = 0; r < h; r++) m = b[(r + 1) % h], f = (f >>> 5 ^ m << 2) + (m >>> 3 ^ f << 4) ^ (g ^ m) + (l[r & 3 ^ q] ^ f), f = b[r] += f } b = a.longsToStr(b); return j.encode(b) }; a.decrypt = function (c, d) { if (0 == c.length) return ""; for (var b = a.strToLongs(j.decode(c)), l = a.strToLongs(e.encode(d).slice(0, 16)), h = b.length, f = b[h - 1], m = b[0], q, k = 2654435769 * Math.floor(6 + 52 / h); 0 != k;) { q = k >>> 2 & 3; for (var g = h - 1; 0 <= g; g--) f = b[0 < g ? g - 1 : h - 1], f = (f >>> 5 ^ m << 2) + (m >>> 3 ^ f << 4) ^ (k ^ m) + (l[g & 3 ^ q] ^ f), m = b[g] -= f; k -= 2654435769 } b = a.longsToStr(b); b = b.replace(/+$/, ""); return e.decode(b) }; a.strToLongs = function (a) { for (var d = Array(Math.ceil(a.length / 4)), b = 0; b < d.length; b++) d[b] = a.charCodeAt(4 * b) + (a.charCodeAt(4 * b + 1) << + (a.charCodeAt(4 * b + 2) << 16) + (a.charCodeAt(4 * b + 3) << 24); return d }; a.longsToStr = function (a) { for (var d = Array(a.length), b = 0; b < a.length; b++) d[b] = String.fromCharCode(a[b] & 255, a[b] >>> 8 & 255, a[b] >>> 16 & 255, a[b] >>> 24 & 255); return d.join("") }; var j = { code: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/x3d", encode: function (a, d) { var b, l, h, f, m = [], q = "", k, g, r = j.code; g = ("undefined" == typeof d ? 0 : d) ? e.encode(a) : a; k = g.length % 3; if (0 < k) for (; 3 > k++;) q += "x3d", g += "x00"; for (k = 0; k < g.length; k += 3) b = g.charCodeAt(k), l = g.charCodeAt(k + 1), h = g.charCodeAt(k + 2), f = b << 16 | l << 8 | h, b = f >> 18 & 63, l = f >> 12 & 63, h = f >> 6 & 63, f &= 63, m[k / 3] = r.charAt(b) + r.charAt(l) + r.charAt(h) + r.charAt(f); m = m.join(""); return m = m.slice(0, m.length - q.length) + q }, decode: function (a, d) { d = "undefined" == typeof d ? !1 : d; var b, l, h, f, m, q = [], k, g = j.code; k = d ? e.decode(a) : a; for (var r = 0; r < k.length; r += 4) b = g.indexOf(k.charAt(r)), l = g.indexOf(k.charAt(r + 1)), f = g.indexOf(k.charAt(r + 2)), m = g.indexOf(k.charAt(r + 3)), h = b << 18 | l << 12 | f << 6 | m, b = h >>> 16 & 255, l = h >>> 8 & 255, h &= 255, q[r / 4] = String.fromCharCode(b, l, h), 64 == m && (q[r / 4] = String.fromCharCode(b, l)), 64 == f && (q[r / 4] = String.fromCharCode(b)); f = q.join(""); return d ? e.decode(f) : f } }, e = { encode: function (a) { a = a.replace(/[u0080-u07ff]/g, function (a) { a = a.charCodeAt(0); return String.fromCharCode(192 | a >> 6, 128 | a & 63) }); return a = a.replace(/[u0800-uffff]/g, function (a) { a = a.charCodeAt(0); return String.fromCharCode(224 | a >> 12, 128 | a >> 6 & 63, 128 | a & 63) }) }, decode: function (a) { a = a.replace(/[u00e0-u00ef][u0080-u00bf][u0080-u00bf]/g, function (a) { a = (a.charCodeAt(0) & 15) << 12 | (a.charCodeAt(1) & 63) << 6 | a.charCodeAt(2) & 63; return String.fromCharCode(a) }); return a = a.replace(/[u00c0-u00df][u0080-u00bf]/g, function (a) { a = (a.charCodeAt(0) & 31) << 6 | a.charCodeAt(1) & 63; return String.fromCharCode(a) }) } } }(jwplayer.utils), function (f) { = { COMPLETE: "COMPLETE", ERROR: "ERROR", API_READY: "jwplayerAPIReady", JWPLAYER_READY: "jwplayerReady", JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN: "jwplayerFullscreen", JWPLAYER_RESIZE: "jwplayerResize", JWPLAYER_ERROR: "jwplayerError", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFOREPLAY: "jwplayerMediaBeforePlay", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFORECOMPLETE: "jwplayerMediaBeforeComplete", JWPLAYER_COMPONENT_SHOW: "jwplayerComponentShow", JWPLAYER_COMPONENT_HIDE: "jwplayerComponentHide", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER: "jwplayerMediaBuffer", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER_FULL: "jwplayerMediaBufferFull", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_ERROR: "jwplayerMediaError", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LOADED: "jwplayerMediaLoaded", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_COMPLETE: "jwplayerMediaComplete", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK: "jwplayerMediaSeek", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIME: "jwplayerMediaTime", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_VOLUME: "jwplayerMediaVolume", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META: "jwplayerMediaMeta", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE: "jwplayerMediaMute", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVELS: "jwplayerMediaLevels", JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVEL_CHANGED: "jwplayerMediaLevelChanged", JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_CHANGED: "jwplayerCaptionsChanged", JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_LIST: "jwplayerCaptionsList", JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE: "jwplayerPlayerState", state: { BUFFERING: "BUFFERING", IDLE: "IDLE", PAUSED: "PAUSED", PLAYING: "PLAYING" }, JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED: "jwplayerPlaylistLoaded", JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM: "jwplayerPlaylistItem", JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_COMPLETE: "jwplayerPlaylistComplete", JWPLAYER_DISPLAY_CLICK: "jwplayerViewClick", JWPLAYER_CONTROLS: "jwplayerViewControls", JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_CLICK: "jwplayerInstreamClicked", JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_DESTROYED: "jwplayerInstreamDestroyed" } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = jwplayer.utils; f.eventdispatcher = function (f, e) { var c, d; this.resetEventListeners = function () { c = {}; d = [] }; this.resetEventListeners(); this.addEventListener = function (b, d, e) { try { a.exists(c[b]) || (c[b] = []), "string" == a.typeOf(d) && (d = (new Function("return " + d))()), c[b].push({ listener: d, count: e }) } catch (f) { a.log("error", f) } return !1 }; this.removeEventListener = function (b, d) { if (c[b]) { try { for (var e = 0; e < c[b].length; e++) if (c[b][e].listener.toString() == d.toString()) { c[b].splice(e, 1); break } } catch (f) { a.log("error", f) } return !1 } }; this.addGlobalListener = function (b, c) { try { "string" == a.typeOf(b) && (b = (new Function("return " + b))()), d.push({ listener: b, count: c }) } catch (e) { a.log("error", e) } return !1 }; this.removeGlobalListener = function (b) { if (b) { try { for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++) if (d[c].listener.toString() == b.toString()) { d.splice(c, 1); break } } catch (e) { a.log("error", e) } return !1 } }; this.sendEvent = function (b, l) { a.exists(l) || (l = {}); a.extend(l, { id: f, version: jwplayer.version, type: b }); e && a.log(b, l); if ("undefined" != a.typeOf(c[b])) for (var h = 0; h < c[b].length; h++) { try { c[b][h].listener(l) } catch (n) { a.log("There was an error while handling a listener: " + n.toString(), c[b][h].listener) } c[b][h] && (1 === c[b][h].count ? delete c[b][h] : 0 < c[b][h].count && (c[b][h].count -= 1)) } for (h = 0; h < d.length; h++) { try { d[h].listener(l) } catch (m) { a.log("There was an error while handling a listener: " + m.toString(), d[h].listener) } d[h] && (1 === d[h].count ? delete d[h] : 0 < d[h].count && (d[h].count -= 1)) } } } }(, function (f) { var a = {}, j = {}; f.plugins = function () {}; f.plugins.loadPlugins = function (e, c) { j[e] = new f.plugins.pluginloader(new f.plugins.model(a), c); return j[e] }; f.plugins.registerPlugin = function (e, c, d, b) { var l = f.utils.getPluginName(e); a[l] || (a[l] = new f.plugins.plugin(e)); a[l].registerPlugin(e, c, d, b) } }(jwplayer), function (f) { f.plugins.model = function (a) { this.addPlugin = function (j) { var e = f.utils.getPluginName(j); a[e] || (a[e] = new f.plugins.plugin(j)); return a[e] }; this.getPlugins = function () { return a } } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = jwplayer.utils, j =; f.pluginmodes = { FLASH: 0, JAVASCRIPT: 1, HYBRID: 2 }; f.plugin = function (e) { function c() { switch (a.getPluginPathType(e)) { case a.pluginPathType.ABSOLUTE: return e; case a.pluginPathType.RELATIVE: return a.getAbsolutePath(e, window.location.href) } } function d() { q = setTimeout(function () { l = a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE; k.sendEvent(j.COMPLETE) }, 1E3) } function b() { l = a.loaderstatus.ERROR; k.sendEvent(j.ERROR) } var l = a.loaderstatus.NEW, h, n, m, q, k = new j.eventdispatcher; a.extend(this, k); this.load = function () { if (l == a.loaderstatus.NEW) if (0 < e.lastIndexOf(".swf")) h = e, l = a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, k.sendEvent(j.COMPLETE); else if (a.getPluginPathType(e) == a.pluginPathType.CDN) l = a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, k.sendEvent(j.COMPLETE); else { l = a.loaderstatus.LOADING; var g = new a.scriptloader(c()); g.addEventListener(j.COMPLETE, d); g.addEventListener(j.ERROR, b); g.load() } }; this.registerPlugin = function (b, d, c, e) { q && (clearTimeout(q), q = void 0); m = d; c && e ? (h = e, n = c) : "string" == typeof c ? h = c : "function" == typeof c ? n = c : !c && !e && (h = b); l = a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE; k.sendEvent(j.COMPLETE) }; this.getStatus = function () { return l }; this.getPluginName = function () { return a.getPluginName(e) }; this.getFlashPath = function () { if (h) switch (a.getPluginPathType(h)) { case a.pluginPathType.ABSOLUTE: return h; case a.pluginPathType.RELATIVE: return 0 < e.lastIndexOf(".swf") ? a.getAbsolutePath(h, window.location.href) : a.getAbsolutePath(h, c()) } return null }; this.getJS = function () { return n }; this.getTarget = function () { return m }; this.getPluginmode = function () { if ("undefined" != typeof h && "undefined" != typeof n) return f.pluginmodes.HYBRID; if ("undefined" != typeof h) return f.pluginmodes.FLASH; if ("undefined" != typeof n) return f.pluginmodes.JAVASCRIPT }; this.getNewInstance = function (a, b, d) { return new n(a, b, d) }; this.getURL = function () { return e } } }(jwplayer.plugins), function (f) { var a = f.utils, j =; f.plugins.pluginloader = function (e, c) { function d() { n ? k.sendEvent(j.ERROR, { message: m }) : h || (h = !0, l = a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE, k.sendEvent(j.COMPLETE)) } function b() { q || d(); if (!h && !n) { var b = 0, c = e.getPlugins(), g; for (g in q) { var l = a.getPluginName(g), j = c[l], l = j.getJS(), k = j.getTarget(), j = j.getStatus(); if (j == a.loaderstatus.LOADING || j == a.loaderstatus.NEW) b++; else if (l && (!k || parseFloat(k) > parseFloat(f.version))) n = !0, m = "Incompatible player version", d() } 0 == b && d() } } var l = a.loaderstatus.NEW, h = !1, n = !1, m, q = c, k = new j.eventdispatcher; a.extend(this, k); this.setupPlugins = function (b, d, c) { var g = { length: 0, plugins: {} }, f = 0, l = {}, h = e.getPlugins(), j; for (j in d.plugins) { var k = a.getPluginName(j), m = h[k], B = m.getFlashPath(), n = m.getJS(), q = m.getURL(); B && (g.plugins[B] = a.extend({}, d.plugins[j]), g.plugins[B].pluginmode = m.getPluginmode(), g.length++); try { if (n && d.plugins && d.plugins[q]) { var v = document.createElement("div"); = + "_" + k; = "absolute"; = 0; = f + 10; l[k] = m.getNewInstance(b, a.extend({}, d.plugins[q]), v); f++; b.onReady(c(l[k], v, !0)); b.onResize(c(l[k], v)) } } catch (C) { console.log("ERROR: Failed to load " + k + ".") } } b.plugins = l; return g }; this.load = function () { if (!(a.exists(c) && "object" != a.typeOf(c))) { l = a.loaderstatus.LOADING; for (var d in c) if (a.exists(d)) { var f = e.addPlugin(d); f.addEventListener(j.COMPLETE, b); f.addEventListener(j.ERROR, g) } f = e.getPlugins(); for (d in f) f[d].load() } b() }; var g = this.pluginFailed = function () { n || (n = !0, m = "File not found", d()) }; this.getStatus = function () { return l } } }(jwplayer), function (f) { f.playlist = function (a) { var j = []; if ("array" == f.utils.typeOf(a)) for (var e = 0; e < a.length; e++) j.push(new f.playlist.item(a[e])); else j.push(new f.playlist.item(a)); return j } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = f.item = function (j) { j = jwplayer.utils.extend({}, a.defaults, j); 0 == j.sources.length && (j.sources = [new f.source(j)]); for (var e = 0; e < j.sources.length; e++) j.sources[e] = new f.source(j.sources[e]); return j }; a.defaults = { description: "", image: "", mediaid: "", title: "", tags: "", duration: -1, sources: [] } }(jwplayer.playlist), function (f) { var a = jwplayer.utils, j = { file: void 0, label: void 0, bitrate: void 0, width: void 0, height: void 0, type: void 0 }; f.source = function (e) { var c = a.extend({}, j), d; for (d in j) a.exists(e[d]) && (c[d] = e[d], delete e[d]); c.type && 0 < c.type.indexOf("/") && (c.type = a.extensionmap.mimeType(c.type)); "m3u8" == c.type && (c.type = "hls"); "smil" == c.type && (c.type = "rtmp"); return c } }(jwplayer.playlist), function (f) { var a = f.utils, j =, e = document, c = f.embed = function (d) { function b(a) { h(m, p + a.message) } function l() { h(m, p + "No playable sources found") } function h(d, b) { if (n.fallback) { var c =; c.backgroundColor = "#000"; c.color = "#FFF"; c.width = a.styleDimension(n.width); c.height = a.styleDimension(n.height); c.display = "table"; c.opacity = 1; var c = document.createElement("p"), g =; g.verticalAlign = "middle"; g.textAlign = "center"; g.display = "table-cell"; g.font = "15px/20px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"; c.innerHTML = b.replace(":", ":x3cbrx3e"); d.innerHTML = ""; d.appendChild(c) } } var n = new c.config(d.config), m, q, k, g = n.width, r = n.height, p = "Error loading player: ", s = f.plugins.loadPlugins(, n.plugins); n.fallbackDiv && (k = n.fallbackDiv, delete n.fallbackDiv); =; q = e.getElementById(; m = e.createElement("div"); =; = 0 < g.toString().indexOf("%") ? g : g + "px"; = 0 < r.toString().indexOf("%") ? r : r + "px"; q.parentNode.replaceChild(m, q); f.embed.errorScreen = h; s.addEventListener(j.COMPLETE, function () { if ("array" == a.typeOf(n.playlist) && 2 > n.playlist.length && (0 == n.playlist.length || !n.playlist[0].sources || 0 == n.playlist[0].sources.length)) l(); else if (s.getStatus() == a.loaderstatus.COMPLETE) { for (var g = 0; g < n.modes.length; g++) if (n.modes[g].type && c[n.modes[g].type]) { var e = a.extend({}, n), f = new c[n.modes[g].type](m, n.modes[g], e, s, d); if (f.supportsConfig()) { f.addEventListener(j.ERROR, b); f.embed(); g = d; e =; f = void 0; for (f in e) "function" == typeof g[f] && g[f].call(g, e[f]); return d } } n.fallback ? (a.log("No suitable players found and fallback enabled"), new, n, l)) : (a.log("No suitable players found and fallback disabled"), m.parentNode.replaceChild(k, m)) } }); s.addEventListener(j.ERROR, function (a) { h(m, "Could not load plugins: " + a.message) }); s.load(); return d } }(jwplayer), function (f) { function a(a) { if (a.playlist) for (var b = 0; b < a.playlist.length; b++) a.playlist[b] = new c(a.playlist[b]); else { var b = {}, e; for (e in c.defaults) j(a, b, e); b.sources || (a.levels ? (b.sources = a.levels, delete a.levels) : (e = {}, j(a, e, "file"), j(a, e, "type"), b.sources = e.file ? [e] : [])); a.playlist = [new c(b)] } } function j(a, b, c) { e.exists(a[c]) && (b[c] = a[c], delete a[c]) } var e = f.utils, c = f.playlist.item; (f.embed.config = function (d) { var b = { fallback: !0, height: 270, primary: "html5", width: 480, base: d.base ? d.base : e.getScriptPath("jwplayer.js") }; d = e.extend(b, f.defaults, d); var b = { type: "html5", src: d.base + "jwplayer.html5.js" }, c = { type: "flash", src: d.base + "" }; d.modes = "flash" == d.primary ? [c, b] : [b, c]; d.listbar && (d.playlistsize = d.listbar.size, d.playlistposition = d.listbar.position); d.flashplayer && (c.src = d.flashplayer); d.html5player && (b.src = d.html5player); a(d); return d }).addConfig = function (d, b) { a(b); return e.extend(d, b) } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = f.utils, j = document; = function (e, c, d) { function b(a, b) { for (var d = j.querySelectorAll(a), c = 0; c < d.length; c++) for (var g in b) d[c].style[g] = b[g] } function f(a, b, d) { a = j.createElement(a); b && (a.className = "jwdownload" + b); d && d.appendChild(a); return a } var h = a.extend({}, c), n, m = h.width ? h.width : 480, q = h.height ? h.height : 320, k; c = c.logo ? c.logo : { prefix: a.repo(), file: "logo.png", margin: 10 }; var g, r; r = h.playlist; var p, s, h = ["mp4", "aac", "mp3"]; if (r && r.length) { p = r[0]; s = p.sources; for (r = 0; r < s.length; r++) { var u = s[r], t = u.type ? u.type : a.extensionmap.extType(a.extension(u.file)); if (u.file) for (r in h) t == h[r] ? (n = u.file, k = p.image) : a.isYouTube(u.file) && (g = u.file) } n ? (d = n, e && (n = f("a", "display", e), f("div", "icon", n), f("div", "logo", n), d && n.setAttribute("href", a.getAbsolutePath(d))), d = "#" + + " .jwdownload", = "", = "", b(d + "display", { width: a.styleDimension(Math.max(320, m)), height: a.styleDimension(Math.max(180, q)), background: "black center no-repeat " + (k ? "url(" + k + ")" : ""), backgroundSize: "contain", position: "relative", border: "none", display: "block" }), b(d + "display div", { position: "absolute", width: "100%", height: "100%" }), b(d + "logo", { top: c.margin + "px", right: c.margin + "px", background: "top right no-repeat url(" + c.prefix + c.file + ")" }), b(d + "icon", { background: "center no-repeat url()" })) : g ? (c = g, e = f("embed", "", e), e.src = "" + /v[=/](w*)|/(w+)$|^(w+)$/i.exec(c).slice(1).join(""), e.type = "application/x-shockwave-flash", e.width = m, e.height = q) : d() } } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = f.utils, j =, e = {}; (f.embed.flash = function (c, d, b, l, h) { function n(a, b, d) { var c = document.createElement("param"); c.setAttribute("name", b); c.setAttribute("value", d); a.appendChild(c) } function m(a, b, d) { return function () { try { d && document.getElementById( + "_wrapper").appendChild(b); var c = document.getElementById("display"); "function" == typeof a.resize && a.resize(c.width, c.height); = c.x; = c.h } catch (g) {} } } function q(b) { if (!b) return {}; var d = {}, c = [], g; for (g in b) { var e = a.getPluginName(g), f = b[g]; c.push(g); for (var h in f) d[e + "." + h] = f[h] } d.plugins = c.join(","); return d } var k = new, g = a.flashVersion(); a.extend(this, k); this.embed = function () { =; if (10 > g) return k.sendEvent(j.ERROR, { message: "Flash version must be 10.0 or greater" }), !1; var f, p = a.extend({}, b); + "_wrapper" == ? document.getElementById( + "_wrapper") : (f = document.createElement("div"), = + "_wrapper", = "relative", = a.styleDimension(p.width), = a.styleDimension(p.height), c.parentNode.replaceChild(f, c), f.appendChild(c)); f = l.setupPlugins(h, p, m); 0 < f.length ? a.extend(p, q(f.plugins)) : delete p.plugins; "undefined" != typeof p["dock.position"] && "false" == p["dock.position"].toString().toLowerCase() && (p.dock = p["dock.position"], delete p["dock.position"]); f = p.wmode ? p.wmode : p.height && 40 >= p.height ? "transparent" : "opaque"; for (var s = "height width modes events primary base fallback volume".split(" "), u = 0; u < s.length; u++) delete p[s[u]]; var s = a.getCookies(), t; for (t in s) "undefined" == typeof p[t] && (p[t] = s[t]); t = window.location.pathname.split("/"); t.splice(t.length - 1, 1); t = t.join("/"); p.base = t + "/"; e[] = p; a.isIE() ? (p = 'x3cobject classidx3d"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" " widthx3d"100%" heightx3d"100%" idx3d"' + + '" namex3d"' + + '" tabindexx3d0""x3e', p += 'x3cparam namex3d"movie" valuex3d"' + d.src + '"x3e', p += 'x3cparam namex3d"allowfullscreen" valuex3d"true"x3ex3cparam namex3d"allowscriptaccess" valuex3d"always"x3e', p += 'x3cparam namex3d"seamlesstabbing" valuex3d"true"x3e', p += 'x3cparam namex3d"wmode" valuex3d"' + f + '"x3e', p += 'x3cparam namex3d"bgcolor" valuex3d"#000000"x3e', p += "x3c/objectx3e", c.outerHTML = p, p = document.getElementById( : (p = document.createElement("object"), p.setAttribute("type", "application/x-shockwave-flash"), p.setAttribute("data", d.src), p.setAttribute("width", "100%"), p.setAttribute("height", "100%"), p.setAttribute("bgcolor", "#000000"), p.setAttribute("id",, p.setAttribute("name",, p.setAttribute("tabindex", 0), n(p, "allowfullscreen", "true"), n(p, "allowscriptaccess", "always"), n(p, "seamlesstabbing", "true"), n(p, "wmode", f), c.parentNode.replaceChild(p, c)); h.container = p; h.setPlayer(p, "flash") }; this.supportsConfig = function () { if (g) if (b) { if ("string" == a.typeOf(b.playlist)) return !0; try { var d = b.playlist[0].sources; if ("undefined" == typeof d) return !0; for (var c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { var f; if (f = d[c].file) { var e = d[c].file, h = d[c].type; if (a.isYouTube(e) || a.isRtmp(e, h) || "hls" == h) f = !0; else { var j = a.extensionmap[h ? h : a.extension(e)]; f = !j ? !1 : !! j.flash } } if (f) return !0 } } catch (l) {} } else return !0; return !1 } }).getVars = function (a) { return e[a] } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = f.utils, j = a.extensionmap, e =; f.embed.html5 = function (c, d, b, l, h) { function n(a, b, d) { return function () { try { var f = document.querySelector("#" + + " .jwmain"); d && f.appendChild(b); "function" == typeof a.resize && (a.resize(f.clientWidth, f.clientHeight), setTimeout(function () { a.resize(f.clientWidth, f.clientHeight) }, 400)); b.left =; = } catch (e) {} } } function m(a) { q.sendEvent(a.type, { message: "HTML5 player not found" }) } var q = this, k = new e.eventdispatcher; a.extend(q, k); q.embed = function () { if (f.html5) { l.setupPlugins(h, b, n); c.innerHTML = ""; var g = f.utils.extend({}, b); delete g.volume; g = new f.html5.player(g); h.container = document.getElementById(; h.setPlayer(g, "html5") } else g = new a.scriptloader(d.src), g.addEventListener(e.ERROR, m), g.addEventListener(e.COMPLETE, q.embed), g.load() }; q.supportsConfig = function () { if (f.vid.canPlayType) try { if ("string" == a.typeOf(b.playlist)) return !0; for (var d = b.playlist[0].sources, c = 0; c < d.length; c++) { var e; var h = d[c].file, l = d[c].type; if (null !== navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i) || a.isAndroid() && ("m3u" == a.extension(h) || "m3u8" == a.extension(h)) || a.isRtmp(h, l)) e = !1; else { var k = j[l ? l : a.extension(h)], m; if (!k || k.flash && !k.html5) m = !1; else { var n = k.html5, q = f.vid; if (n) try { m = q.canPlayType(n) ? !0 : !1 } catch (z) { m = !1 } else m = !0 } e = m } if (e) return !0 } } catch (A) {} return !1 } } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = f.embed, j = f.utils, e = j.extend(function (c) { var d = j.repo(), b = c.config, e = b.plugins, h =, n = d + "jwpsrv.js", m = d + "sharing.js", q = d + "related.js", k = d + "gapro.js", g = (new f.utils.key(f.key)).edition(), e = e ? e : {}; "ads" == g && b.advertising && (b.advertising.client.match(".js$|.swf$") ? e[b.advertising.client] = b.advertising : e[d + b.advertising.client + ("flash" == b.primary ? ".swf" : ".js")] = b.advertising); delete b.advertising; b.key = f.key; && ( &&".js$|.swf$")) && (n =; delete; if ("free" == g || !h || !1 !== h.enabled) e[n] = h ? h : {}; delete e.sharing; delete e.related; if ("premium" == g || "ads" == g) b.sharing && (b.sharing.client && b.sharing.client.match(".js$|.swf$") && (m = b.sharing.client), e[m] = b.sharing), b.related && (b.related.client && b.related.client.match(".js$|.swf$") && (q = b.related.client), e[q] = b.related), && ( &&".js$|.swf$") && (k =, e[k] =, && ( =^(beelden|bekle|five|glow|modieus|roundster|stormtrooper|vapor)$/i, j.repo() + "skins/$1.xml").toLowerCase()); b.plugins = e; return new a(c) }, a); f.embed = e }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = [], j = f.utils, e =, c = e.state, d = document, b = f.api = function (a) { function h(a, b) { return function (d) { return b(a, d) } } function n(a, b) { p[a] || (p[a] = [], q(e.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, function (b) { var d = b.newstate; b = b.oldstate; if (d == a) { var c = p[d]; if (c) for (var e = 0; e < c.length; e++) "function" == typeof c[e] && c[e].call(this, { oldstate: b, newstate: d }) } })); p[a].push(b); return g } function m(a, b) { try { a.jwAddEventListener(b, 'function(dat) { jwplayer("' + + '").dispatchEvent("' + b + '", dat); }') } catch (d) { j.log("Could not add internal listener") } } function q(a, b) { r[a] || (r[a] = [], s && u && m(s, a)); r[a].push(b); return g } function k() { if (u) { for (var a = arguments[0], b = [], d = 1; d < arguments.length; d++) b.push(arguments[d]); if ("undefined" != typeof s && "function" == typeof s[a]) switch (b.length) { case 4: return s[a](b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]); case 3: return s[a](b[0], b[1], b[2]); case 2: return s[a](b[0], b[1]); case 1: return s[a](b[0]); default: return s[a]() } return null } t.push(arguments) } var g = this, r = {}, p = {}, s = void 0, u = !1, t = [], w = void 0, x = {}, y = {}; g.container = a; =; g.getBuffer = function () { return k("jwGetBuffer") }; g.getContainer = function () { return g.container }; g.addButton = function (a, b, d, c) { try { y[c] = d, k("jwDockAddButton", a, b, "jwplayer('" + + "').callback('" + c + "')", c) } catch (e) { j.log("Could not add dock button" + e.message) } }; g.removeButton = function (a) { k("jwDockRemoveButton", a) }; g.callback = function (a) { if (y[a]) y[a]() }; g.getDuration = function () { return k("jwGetDuration") }; g.getFullscreen = function () { return k("jwGetFullscreen") }; g.getStretching = function () { return k("jwGetStretching") }; g.getHeight = function () { return k("jwGetHeight") }; g.getLockState = function () { return k("jwGetLockState") }; g.getMeta = function () { return g.getItemMeta() }; g.getMute = function () { return k("jwGetMute") }; g.getPlaylist = function () { var a = k("jwGetPlaylist"); "flash" == g.renderingMode && j.deepReplaceKeyName(a, ["__dot__", "__spc__", "__dsh__"], [".", " ", "-"]); for (var b = 0; b < a.length; b++) j.exists(a[b].index) || (a[b].index = b); return a }; g.getPlaylistItem = function (a) { j.exists(a) || (a = g.getCurrentItem()); return g.getPlaylist()[a] }; g.getPosition = function () { return k("jwGetPosition") }; g.getRenderingMode = function () { return g.renderingMode }; g.getState = function () { return k("jwGetState") }; g.getVolume = function () { return k("jwGetVolume") }; g.getWidth = function () { return k("jwGetWidth") }; g.setFullscreen = function (a) { j.exists(a) ? k("jwSetFullscreen", a) : k("jwSetFullscreen", !k("jwGetFullscreen")); return g }; g.setStretching = function (a) { k("jwSetStretching", a); return g }; g.setMute = function (a) { j.exists(a) ? k("jwSetMute", a) : k("jwSetMute", !k("jwGetMute")); return g }; g.lock = function () { return g }; g.unlock = function () { return g }; g.load = function (a) { k("jwLoad", a); return g }; g.playlistItem = function (a) { k("jwPlaylistItem", parseInt(a)); return g }; g.playlistPrev = function () { k("jwPlaylistPrev"); return g }; g.playlistNext = function () { k("jwPlaylistNext"); return g }; g.resize = function (a, b) { if ("flash" != g.renderingMode) k("jwResize", a, b); else { var c = d.getElementById( + "_wrapper"); c && ( = j.styleDimension(a), = j.styleDimension(b)) } return g }; = function (a) { "undefined" == typeof a ? (a = g.getState(), a == c.PLAYING || a == c.BUFFERING ? k("jwPause") : k("jwPlay")) : k("jwPlay", a); return g }; g.pause = function (a) { "undefined" == typeof a ? (a = g.getState(), a == c.PLAYING || a == c.BUFFERING ? k("jwPause") : k("jwPlay")) : k("jwPause", a); return g }; g.stop = function () { k("jwStop"); return g }; = function (a) { k("jwSeek", a); return g }; g.setVolume = function (a) { k("jwSetVolume", a); return g }; g.loadInstream = function (a, d) { return w = new b.instream(this, s, a, d) }; g.getQualityLevels = function () { return k("jwGetQualityLevels") }; g.getCurrentQuality = function () { return k("jwGetCurrentQuality") }; g.setCurrentQuality = function (a) { k("jwSetCurrentQuality", a) }; g.getCaptionsList = function () { return k("jwGetCaptionsList") }; g.getCurrentCaptions = function () { return k("jwGetCurrentCaptions") }; g.setCurrentCaptions = function (a) { k("jwSetCurrentCaptions", a) }; g.getControls = function () { return k("jwGetControls") }; g.getSafeRegion = function () { return k("jwGetSafeRegion") }; g.setControls = function (a) { k("jwSetControls", a) }; g.destroyPlayer = function () { k("jwPlayerDestroy") }; var z = { onBufferChange: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER, onBufferFull: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BUFFER_FULL, onError: e.JWPLAYER_ERROR, onFullscreen: e.JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN, onMeta: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META, onMute: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE, onPlaylist: e.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_LOADED, onPlaylistItem: e.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM, onPlaylistComplete: e.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_COMPLETE, onReady: e.API_READY, onResize: e.JWPLAYER_RESIZE, onComplete: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_COMPLETE, onSeek: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK, onTime: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIME, onVolume: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_VOLUME, onBeforePlay: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFOREPLAY, onBeforeComplete: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_BEFORECOMPLETE, onDisplayClick: e.JWPLAYER_DISPLAY_CLICK, onControls: e.JWPLAYER_CONTROLS, onQualityLevels: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVELS, onQualityChange: e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_LEVEL_CHANGED, onCaptionsList: e.JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_LIST, onCaptionsChange: e.JWPLAYER_CAPTIONS_CHANGED }; j.foreach(z, function (a) { g[a] = h(z[a], q) }); var A = { onBuffer: c.BUFFERING, onPause: c.PAUSED, onPlay: c.PLAYING, onIdle: c.IDLE }; j.foreach(A, function (a) { g[a] = h(A[a], n) }); g.remove = function () { if (!u) throw "Cannot call remove() before player is ready"; t = []; b.destroyPlayer( }; g.setup = function (a) { if (f.embed) { var c = d.getElementById(; c && (a.fallbackDiv = c); c = g; t = []; b.destroyPlayer(; c = f(; c.config = a; return new f.embed(c) } return g }; g.registerPlugin = function (a, b, d, c) { f.plugins.registerPlugin(a, b, d, c) }; g.setPlayer = function (a, b) { s = a; g.renderingMode = b }; g.detachMedia = function () { if ("html5" == g.renderingMode) return k("jwDetachMedia") }; g.attachMedia = function () { if ("html5" == g.renderingMode) return k("jwAttachMedia") }; g.dispatchEvent = function (a, b) { if (r[a]) for (var d = j.translateEventResponse(a, b), c = 0; c < r[a].length; c++) "function" == typeof r[a][c] && r[a][c].call(this, d) }; g.dispatchInstreamEvent = function (a) { w && w.dispatchEvent(a, arguments) }; g.playerReady = function (a) { u = !0; s || g.setPlayer(d.getElementById(; g.container = d.getElementById(; j.foreach(r, function (a) { m(s, a) }); q(e.JWPLAYER_PLAYLIST_ITEM, function () { x = {} }); q(e.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META, function (a) { j.extend(x, a.metadata) }); for (g.dispatchEvent(e.API_READY); 0 < t.length;) k.apply(this, t.shift()) }; g.getItemMeta = function () { return x }; g.getCurrentItem = function () { return k("jwGetPlaylistIndex") }; return g }; b.selectPlayer = function (c) { var e; j.exists(c) || (c = 0); c.nodeType ? e = c : "string" == typeof c && (e = d.getElementById(c)); return e ? (c = b.playerById( ? c : b.addPlayer(new b(e)) : "number" == typeof c ? a[c] : null }; b.playerById = function (b) { for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (a[c].id == b) return a[c]; return null }; b.addPlayer = function (b) { for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) if (a[c] == b) return b; a.push(b); return b }; b.destroyPlayer = function (b) { for (var c = -1, e, f = 0; f < a.length; f++) a[f].id == b && (c = f, e = a[f]); 0 <= c && (b =, f = d.getElementById(b + ("flash" == e.renderingMode ? "_wrapper" : "")), j.clearCss && j.clearCss("#" + b), f && ("html5" == e.renderingMode && e.destroyPlayer(), e = d.createElement("div"), = b, f.parentNode.replaceChild(e, f)), a.splice(c, 1)); return null }; f.playerReady = function (a) { var b = f.api.playerById(; b ? b.playerReady(a) : f.api.selectPlayer( } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a =, j = f.utils, e = a.state; f.api.instream = function (c, d, b, f) { function h(a, b) { k[a] || (k[a] = [], q.jwInstreamAddEventListener(a, 'function(dat) { jwplayer("' + + '").dispatchInstreamEvent("' + a + '", dat); }')); k[a].push(b); return this } function n(b, c) { g[b] || (g[b] = [], h(a.JWPLAYER_PLAYER_STATE, function (a) { var c = a.newstate, d = a.oldstate; if (c == b) { var e = g[c]; if (e) for (var f = 0; f < e.length; f++) "function" == typeof e[f] && e[f].call(this, { oldstate: d, newstate: c, type: a.type }) } })); g[b].push(c); return this } var m = c, q = d, k = {}, g = {}; this.dispatchEvent = function (a, b) { if (k[a]) for (var c = j.translateEventResponse(a, b[1]), d = 0; d < k[a].length; d++) "function" == typeof k[a][d] && k[a][d].call(this, c) }; this.onError = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_ERROR, b) }; this.onFullscreen = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_FULLSCREEN, b) }; this.onMeta = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_META, b) }; this.onMute = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_MUTE, b) }; this.onComplete = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_COMPLETE, b) }; this.onSeek = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_SEEK, b) }; this.onTime = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_TIME, b) }; this.onVolume = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_MEDIA_VOLUME, b) }; this.onBuffer = function (a) { return n(e.BUFFERING, a) }; this.onPause = function (a) { return n(e.PAUSED, a) }; this.onPlay = function (a) { return n(e.PLAYING, a) }; this.onIdle = function (a) { return n(e.IDLE, a) }; this.onInstreamClick = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_CLICK, b) }; this.onInstreamDestroyed = function (b) { return h(a.JWPLAYER_INSTREAM_DESTROYED, b) }; = function (a) { q.jwInstreamPlay(a) }; this.pause = function (a) { q.jwInstreamPause(a) }; = function (a) { q.jwInstreamSeek(a) }; this.destroy = function () { q.jwInstreamDestroy() }; this.getState = function () { return q.jwInstreamGetState() }; this.getDuration = function () { return q.jwInstreamGetDuration() }; this.getPosition = function () { return q.jwInstreamGetPosition() }; m.callInternal("jwLoadInstream", b, f) } }(jwplayer), function (f) { var a = f.api, j = a.selectPlayer; a.selectPlayer = function (a) { return (a = j(a)) ? a : { registerPlugin: function (a, d, b) { f.plugins.registerPlugin(a, d, b) } } } }(jwplayer));

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